Teen Entrepreneur Success Secrets Book Review
“The Essential Guide to Starting and Growing a Business” Interested in changing your life? Interested in receiving secrets on how to become a successful teen entrepreneur? If so, I advise you to read this...
Wayne Liew’s Entrepreneurship Blog
Below is a post written by fellow entrepreneur, Wayne Liew. The abundance of this universe offers more than enough opportunities for entrepreneurs, even those who are still young, still studying in schools and still trying...
Florida Teen Seeks to Change the World
Danielle Herb (also known as The Horse Listener), 15, is a young social entrepreneur on a mission to improve the lives of 1,000,000 ADD/ADHD and Autistic children. The first item on her agenda is to raise...
Jason O’Neill’s Story of Entrepreneurship
Below is a story written by a fellow entrepreneur, Jason O’Neill. You don’t have to wait until you’re older, have finished college, or have a degree to start a business. In fact, there are really...