Winners of the Ergonomic Mice Giveaway
We’re very happy to announce the winners of the three ergonomic mice. The winners were chosen randomly using Overall almost everyone that entered shared one or even a few great tips they implement for...
Stay Healthy, Work Comfortably – 3 Ergonomic Mice Giveaway
For this giveaway I decided to team up with SmarthFish Technologies, an innovative technology company geared towards healthy electronics products. You have the chance to win one of three ergonomic mice, their most popular product. Why is...
The Winners of the First Contest!
I would really like to thank all the participants. I appreciate all you feedback and suggestions. It will be very useful for me in creating content that interests you and is relevant Here is...
Contest – Win 5 Great Prizes! *Over
I’m running an exciting contest to better understand the type of articles that my readers enjoy the most. Lately, I’ve posted a variety of articles ranging from book reviews to WordPress. And I’m curious...
Check Out TalkAhead – Sponsored Comments – Win $25 of Advertising Credit
I had a stroke of good fortune recently. A new start-up, called TalkAhead, invited me to beta test their new service, which is a network for Sponsored Comments. I think it has the potential to...
Ultimate Book Giveaway – Linchpin and Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
I’ve decided to give away two incredible books that have greatly influenced me: Linchpin and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. Linchpin – Seth Godin I was lucky enough to receive two copies of Linchpin. After reading...
Support Haiti – $500 Goes to Danitas Children and IRC
After much thought I’ve decided to send the money to two different organizations, half to Danita’s Children and the other half to the International Rescue Committee. $250 will be going to Danita’s Children, an orphanage...
Update: Support Haiti – $500 Winning Idea
I would like to thank all of you that participated whether by submitting ideas, pledging money or promoting. We managed to go from $100 to $500 in one week in support of Haiti. Here are the...
Support Haiti – Contest – $500 to Winning Idea
Sadly, as you probably already know, this past week Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake. It’s difficult to imagine the extent of damage in this already poor country. I’ve spent the past few days wondering...