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math notebook

Sampling Techniques in Simple Words

Before getting acquainted with sampling techniques, it is necessary to name the basic terms. So, let’s define them. 3 Essential Definitions: “Population” (a total amount of specific elements that possess the pre-defined set of...

How to Start Your Own Small Business After College

With continued uncertainty in the job market and an economy still in recovery, starting a business straight out of college is an option that graduates are increasingly considering. In fact, around 60% of recent...

17 Books For Entrepreneurs That Will Change Your Life

Let me tell you a story, there were two guys that graduated from college at the same time. Both of them wanted to be successful entrepreneurs someday. Directly after graduation, one of them gets...

4 Easy Steps on How to Start a Website or Blog That Will Make Money

Many people just don’t know where to start when it comes to starting a website or blog. Blogs are staple in today’s web as we know it. There are so many blogs that are...

What Do You Want to Know About Starting a Business?

Alright, you talked me into it. Many times per week (on average, give or take one or two), we get questions about starting a business. Example FAQ’s: How do I come up with the...

135 Inspirational Business Quotes For Motivation

Entrepreneurship is tough. It’s a craft that continuously teaches you new things along your journey. There are highs, there are lows. No matter where you are as an entrepreneur, you need to learn from...

10 Entrepreneurial Lessons from High School Dropouts That Made A Fortune

“An educated man is not, necessarily, one who has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire...

How to Become an Entrepreneur With The Right Mindset

In a previous post, we looked at the skills that entrepreneurs have – and it is certainly true that our most successful entrepreneurs today have those skills. However, having the skills is only part of...
Accidental Landlord

From Accidental Landlord to Property Investor: The Money Making Mindset

The following is a guest post written by my friend over at My journey to becoming a property investor began as an accidental landlord.  In this short article, I will explain what it...

Why SEO should be a top priority when starting a new buisness

SEO Agencies: The difference between the rest and the best. This is the question on everyone’s mind. After searching for good SEO companies to transact with, most clients end up choosing companies that have...