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Business Lessons I Learned From “The Social Network”

I went to watch “The Social Network” a few weekends ago (about a little site called Facebook), and the movie highlighted some of the struggles of making a company. I took away several lessons that I’d...

Top 10 most Annoying Facebookers and Twitterers

As all social media addicts know, there are groups of very annoying Facebook and Twitter users out there. They spam, promote, abuse and do all kinds of annoying things. Our job should be to...

What’s Social Media?

If you ask a typical teen what social media is, the response will most likely be “stuff like Facebook.” If you were to ask me the same question, I could take you one step...

3 Ways to Bring Traffic to your Facebook Page Without Touching It

The advent of social media has completely changed the way we market our product. As marketers this should be nothing new, we are in a constantly changing field and that is what we signed...

Foursquare Fad: Untapped Potential

The Fad A conversation about social media is never complete without someone mentioning Digg or Stumbleupon. Everyone’s eyes quickly glaze over with the sheer boredom of talking about the normal social viral tactics and pie-in-the-sky techniques. The...

The Effect of Saying that Facebook Sucks or Twitter Sucks

Let me first set the record straight: I don’t have any issues with Twitter or Facebook. They are both superb social media networks. Actually this post is not about Twitter and Facebook but a...

More Facebook Friends Means Less

1,000 friends! 2,000 friends!! 3,000!!! You would think that the more Facebook friends you have the more friends you have in real life. Guess what? It’s probably the opposite. I know it might not...