This is post is more of a survey than an actual article, but I’m interested in knowing what areas of business you all are having difficulty with so as to better service the EpicLaunch community. We’re looking to focus on the topics you guys want to learn more about, and what better way to know than to ask you!
Let me start off with the areas I’m looking to get more help with in my business, and that I’m currently researching.
As much of an adventure networking is, it’s still really difficult to make judgement on where to go and network. The tricky part is knowing where exactly to network and how to get the best opportunities. Unfortunately, they say networking events are bad places to network because everyone there is probably in the same boat you’re in, and others say to network everywhere! However, you can’t be everywhere at once, and you can’t waste your time trying to go to every networking event. It’s a tough roll of the dice when you go to network because you don’t have a magic ball that will let you know if you’re going to come out with prospects or not.
What I need: A place to find opportunities for good networking events that will be beneficial, and not a waste of time.
Acquiring New Customers
The film/video business is a tricky one because outside wedding videos, and the movies, there isn’t a centralized demand for videos. There are plenty of places to go to get a web designer but its not the same with video production, there’s no listing service or bidding service. So you kinda have to wait for the customers to come to you or find you, and while I’m trying to network to find customers, I run into the Networking problem above. Also, because there’s no centralized demand, it’s hard to know where to spend your marketing efforts.
What I need: Clever ways to find more customers for my specific industry.
Those are the two main problems I’m dealing with now. The point of this article isn’t for you to hear my issues, but to start an open discussion so that we can hear what you are interested in learning more about.
We want to hear from you guys, so go ahead and enlighten us. What do you need? Annnnndddd Go!