How to Make Money Product Blogging

Recently, I started a blog specifically for giving out information on using the new premium theme, Headway. Initially, I just wanted to talk about how great the theme was and have an excuse to mess around with it. However, I soon realized something – this wasn’t just a generic “tips” blog. This was a targeted support blog.

About a week after starting it, I got the attention of the developers, and things snowballed from there. I got almost daily client requests, over two-hundred unique visitors per day, and a nice helping of affiliate sales. And that was just in the first month!

You’re probably thinking that I have a trick up my sleeve. I have to be honest, I have been working with wordpress for about 5 years, so learning to use the Headway theme wasn’t that hard for me. However, applying and sharing my knowledge is what makes the website successful.
Let me explain:

How to Make Money by Product Blogging

“Product Blogging” is creating a blog around the usage and support of a particular product. Product blogging comes with a few advantages:

  • Instant targeted audience
  • Affiliate promotion opportunities
  • Never-ending content ideas
  • Service + Product Opportunities

Let’s talk about these advantages in depth for a moment, starting with the audience.

Instant Targeted Audience

When you start a product blog, you already have an audience – the users of the product. If you’re the only reliable source of information on their product (like I was), they will be flocking to your website. Mostly because people really hate making support tickets. Don’t ask me why.

Affiliate Promotion Opportunities

When you start a product blog, not only do you have the opportunity to promote that product through their affiliate program, you can also use partner programs. For example, I promote Headway, Wishlist, Wishlist Geeks, and IDev Affiliate, and other products that mesh well with the theme. It’s easy to diversify your income by getting partner products and offers to promote alongside your main product.

Never-Ending Content

People will always need help with something. In addition to providing basic tutorials and advice, you can branch out and create content around specific problems. For example, I regularly make tutorials on how to use certain wordpress plugins with Headway. Just take a quick look at support tickets, comments, and emails and address what comes up frequently.

Services and Products

The best part of product blogging? You can offer services to customers already interested in buying from you! I offer a wide variety of Headway services from customization to consultation, allowing me to constantly add to my income. Think of common problems associated with your product and build a service or solution around it.

The Disadvantages

There are a few disadvantages surrounding product blogging. For one, you have to make sure the product itself will continue to succeed. If the company folds, so does your income.
In addition, people will continuously email you for support instead of going straight to the company’s support system. Dealing with an influx of support emails can be frustrating for some bloggers.
Product blogging is an awesome way for people who like helping and experimenting to break into the blogging industry in a big way and even begin affiliate marketing.

What kind of product do you want to blog about? What questions do you have about product blogging? Share your thoughts and opinions below!
