How to Design an App With Security Measures in Mind

electronic gadgets and a glass beside it

Whether you are looking to create an app with multiple types of users or you are planning on making sure that you don’t have to worry about certain security issues, you’re going to have to consider design as a part of building out a quality app.

It can take some research and testing in order to know that you have the necessary security measures in place, but once you do, you can have the peace of mind that comes with designing something of quality.

Here are some things to consider when you are designing an app where security is important.

Different Users Have Different Needs

Whether you are planning on having one type of user or many, you’re going to have to think about what problem you are trying to solve for them.

This can be providing them with some entertainment, providing ways that they can educate themselves, or solving a day-to-day problem.

Once you have identified what this is, you can determine what it will entail, such as whether or not you will need to use JavaScript or Next.js authentication in order to make it work.


Before you think about putting your application out into the world, you’re definitely going to want to take the time to come up with a prototype and test it.

This is the best way to determine whether or not you have the correct security measures you need in order for the application to work correctly.

There might be something within the design or the code that does not properly provide the necessary security that your users will need if they are going to use your app.


While you might not think that how an app looks can make a difference, you’d be surprised to learn that it can be an important factor in whether or not users will choose to download your app in the first place.

Users are more likely to choose your app over the competition if they feel safe—which means you will want to think deeply about which colors you are planning on using, certain imagery, and how you are going to direct them from one page to another with your copy.

These are all things that might not seem like a big deal until you actually have people using and interacting with your app.

Provide Support

You’re also going to want to make sure that you have a dedicated help section when it comes to your app.

Having users report any issues with your application can be extremely helpful since it can allow you to see where your app might have areas you need to fix so you don’t lose essential data—and therefore lose the trust of your users.

In Summary

By putting security first, you’re setting yourself up for a quality app where you help users. This will go a long way toward helping to establish your application over the competition and will help you gain a good reputation.