As an entrepreneur, you have to have an innovative spirit to take charge of a business venture. However, before you even get to that point, you might find yourself needing to create a resume to highlight your best features. This is especially true if you’re aiming to get some experience in the industry, or if you’re looking to find a way to introduce yourself to potential interviewers. The first place to start when trying to decide what your resume should look like is the Internet.
Step 1
Educate yourself on what your options are in terms of formatting, length, and things that are generally included such as technical skills, awards, education, work experience and so on. The web is full of free resume creator sites which may help you get your ideas on paper. These sites will ask you basic questions about your work history and will produce a generic resume. This resume should not be the final product but rather the first step in deciding on what your resume will look like and what sorts of things you should include.
Another great way to create a resume is by using LinkedIn. If you already have your profile filled out with your interests, experience and recommendations, you can simply convert it into a PDF (on your profile) and send it anywhere.
Step 2
Do a more in-depth search on the web and see if you can find resume samples from within your industry. For example, a nurse’s resume will look different from a marketing director’s resume. What are those differences? Hone in on what makes your industry unique and what qualities should be highlighted in your resume. This is also a good time to review sites that have free resume tips.
Step 3
Show your resume to a past employer or person in your industry with whom you can trust. After reviewing your resume, do they have questions? Are there any holes in your work history or explanation of skills?
Step 4
Having a solid resume is important but first you need to convince the employer to read your resume. A resume cover letter template is a great place to start. Like the resume creators, templates help with formatting and general language, but the meat of a cover letter must be your own. Think of a cover letter as the formal introduction to an employer; it should be what you want them to know so that they are interested in learning more by looking at your resume.
Cover letter writing is a dance, the writer must express interest in the company and simultaneously illustrate why they are more qualified than someone else to fit in with the company and excel in a particular position. Although it may seem as though learning to dance the tango would be easier than this cover letter dance, understanding what should go into a cover letter, as well as the overall tone, makes writing a cover letter an easier task. As with resume writing, practice, exposure to sample cover letters, and getting comfortable with the structure will all help facilitate the process. Doing thorough research on the Internet will give you access to these helpful tools and prepare you to write a convincing cover letter and a superior resume.